
Dagstd is a Python package containing a set of helper modules for use with the Dagster data orchestration tool.

Dagster is a great tool, but there are occasions where you just need to pass in a simple integer or string as input to a Dagster op, but in Dagster, inputs to ops can only be outputs of other ops. This results in a lot of boilerplate functions being written that just return a formatted string or even just an integer. This is why Dagstd was created.


  • Simple ops for common numbers

  • Constant value ops

  • Helper ops for mathematical and string operations

  • Ops for retrieving environment variables

  • Sphinx autodoc support for Dagster ops


Here’s an example of a pure-Dagster graph that downloads a daily zip file and extracts a known file name. Note: the download_large_file op has been omitted for brevity.

import zipfile

from datetime import datetime

from dagster import op, job

def get_todays_date() -> str:
    return datetime.today().strftime()

def five() -> int:
    return 5

def get_download_file_url(date: str) -> str:
    return f'https://example.com/{date}.csv'

def get_nth_file_name(n: int) -> str:
    return f'file_{n:02}.txt'

def extract_file_from_zip(context, zip_path: str, file_name: str) -> str:
    with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path) as zip_file:
        with(f'/tmp/{file_name}', 'wb') as f:
        context.log.info(f'Extracted {file_name} from {zip_path}')
        return f'/tmp/{file_name}'

def process_data():
    date = get_todays_date()
    url = get_download_file_url(date)
    zip_path = download_large_file(url)

    file_name = get_nth_file_name(five())
    file_path = extract_file_from_zip(zip_path, file_name)

And here’s the same graph, but with Dagstd ops.

import zipfile

from datetime import datetime

from dagster import op, job
from dagstd.constants import Constant, Five
from dagstd.operations import fmt

def get_todays_date_string() -> str:
    return datetime.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

def extract_file_from_zip(context, zip_path: str, file_name: str) -> str:
    with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path) as zip_file:
        with(f'/tmp/{file_name}', 'wb') as f:
        context.log.info(f'Extracted {file_name} from {zip_path}')
        return f'/tmp/{file_name}'

def process_data():
    date = get_todays_date_string()
    url = fmt(Constant('https://example.com/{}.csv'), [date])
    zip_path = download_large_file(url)

    file_name = fmt(Constant('file_{}.txt'), [Five()])
    file_path = extract_file_from_zip(zip_path, file_name)

This was just a small example, but it serves to show how much boilerplate can be avoided when using Dagstd.

Sphinx Autodoc Plugin

Dagstd includes a Sphinx autodoc plugin that can be used to generate documentation for Dagster ops. To use the autodoc plugin, add the following to your conf.py file:

extensions = [

By default, this will prefix all op documentation with (op). To change this, add the following to your conf.py file:

dagstd_op_prefix = 'My Op'


Documentation can be found at https://dagstd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/readme.html.


Install Dagstd with pip:

pip install dagstd



I’m always looking for more ideas to add to Dagstd. If you have an idea, please open an issue or pull request, or message me on GitHub.


If you are having issues, please let me know.


The project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license.